
Aug 13, 2013

Faith or Fear?

If you died at young age, will you let your husband re-marry other woman with your ... insurance money? Well, the first part of letting him re-married is way beyond our control. We can't say no, we can haunt him as ghost and scare the hell out of him... but he will still re-marry, if that what he wants. On the second part, the insurance money... let's think about it...

Yesterday I attended a friend's funeral who died at age 47, leaving a husband and 3 boys. My friends and I were all sure that the husband will soon re-marry other woman. There're only 2 possibilities if the women go first. It's either the man join the spouse to heaven or .. find another woman real soon. Compare to us women; when our man left us, be it to the other world or to the other woman... we will stand strong and raise kids on our own. We are so much better than them. For sure.

At the funeral, my friend asked me if I have "valuable belongings" that I kept from my husband. I said, no I don't have. She said, pointing to the dead with her eyes: "she has many gold which I'm not sure the husband is aware of it." And she added that unfortunately she was also not close to any relatives from both sides (her own and her husband's). She has not spoken to her sister for almost 3 years already. Then she finished the sentence with a firm warning: "you better tell me if you have something that you're hiding and tell me what to do with it when you die." I gave her a sour smile, "what if you die first?"

Then she continued, "you do have a life insurance, don't you?" I nodded.
"And who is the beneficiary? Your husband?" I nodded

She quickly turned to the other friend and said.. "her husband will re-marry other woman with her insurance money"

In the next few minutes, the two of my best friends lecturing me that I should revise the insurance benefit and split it 95% for the kids and 5% for the husband or yet, 100% to the kids.

I admit, it shocked me a great deal. I have never thought of such a thing. Although it looks to be an OK thing to do, but I think to do such thing is like a huge betrayal and will hurt the people I leave behind. My friends told me, it is not a betrayal. It's just a smart and wise way to save your children's future.

Really? Well, on a further thought, it does seem true. People change. Sometimes they change to be a better person, but many of them change to be bad. We never know what's coming.

I guess, what I have is only my faith to God, that Jesus has the best plan for my family... with or without me.

Aug 10, 2013

Holiday without a picture

Bandung, 6-9 Aug 2013

Betapa basi-nya liburan kali ini sampai tidak satupun dari kami yang ingin mengabadikannya dalam sebuah foto. Padahal kami yang berempat ini punya lebih dari 4 camera. Bukan bermaksud pamer, tapi mari kita hitung... :

  • Aku punya 3 camera (BB, Note-II, Samsung Galaxy Camera) 
  • Erryck juga ada 3 camera (BB, Samsung S4 dan camera nikon guedee nya yg harus pake ransel terpisah)
  • Reza punya 2 camera (BB dan Samsung tab 7.0). Kalau Nikon pocket nya enggak ketinggalan di Shanghai, berarti dia punya 3 juga.
  • Monita juga ada 2 (BB dan Camera Panasonic pocket)

So, 10 cameras and not a single shot. How ironic. But why? how did it happen?

Sampai di hotel jam 6pm, setelah beres-beres kita langsung cari makan keluar, nyasar-nyasar dan terpaksa putar balik ke arah hotel untuk terdampar hanya di PHD deket hotel. Balik hotel jam 11PM

PVJ for the whole 15 hours. Masuk jam 10AM dan keluar mall jam 1AM. Ngapain aja, you ask? Keliling mall termasuk nonton "the Conjuring" dan "the Wolverine"

Keluar masuk FO di jalan Riau dan sore sampai malem balik lagi ke PVJ. LOL!!

Tidur sampai siang dan... check out jam 12 pas.

So yeaaa.. that's the full itinerary.
Now you can figure it out why we didn't even bother to pose.

But were we happy? Were we all having fun? oh yeaah! Shopping, new clothes, new shoes, new watch, new earrings, etc etc.... I guess, a photo was not so important after all.